Week 4 Part B: Defining YOUR Target Market

The craft beer business is characterized by small-scale, independent ownership and traditional brewing methods emphasizing craftsmanship, high quality, and experimentation with unique ingredients and flavors. My business, The Alibi Brewing Company would target consumers who favor beers with distinctive character and flavor. These consumers are typically interested in trying beers not readily available outside of the small local market. They value the independence, creativity, and craftsmanship associated with the craft beer industry. Unlike traditional beer drinkers, craft beer drinkers are rarely loyal to just one brand of beer. Instead, they are always looking for the next new thing.


Demographically our target would primarily consist of male and female consumers ranging from the age of 21 to 34. Although there are consumers above this age range, our primary business will come from this crowd. Psychographically our target would consist of more than the typical beer enthusiast, it would also consist of consumers who like to socialize, explore, or experiment. Behavioristically our target market will be less price-sensitive consumers and value the taste and quality of beer more than the price. 

With the Craft Beer industry being so competitive, especially here in San Diego, I will need to make sure my brewery stands out. Whether it be by brewing exceptional beer, my design, or my customer service, I need to separate myself from my competitors and catch the attention of my consumers.


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