Week 6 Part A: Engaging Your Customers - Facebook Strategy

 I chose to like the following business pages on Facebook:

  • Societe - https://www.facebook.com/societebrewing
  • Belching Beaver - https://www.facebook.com/belchingbeaver
  • AleSmith - https://www.facebook.com/AleSmithBrewing
  • Pizza Port - https://www.facebook.com/pizzaportbrewingco
  • Newtopia - https://www.facebook.com/NewtopiaCyder
  • San Diego Beer News - https://www.facebook.com/SanDiegoBeerNews
  • Veterans Beer Club - https://www.facebook.com/veteransbeerclub
I chose Societe, Belching Beaver, AleSmith, and Pizza Port because they are a few of the top and well-known breweries located in San Diego. They are exceptional in making beer and all have very cool breweries to check out. When I think about my brewery, these are some of the breweries that I strive to be like. I chose Newtopia, even though they are a cidery. Besides beer, I think that cider is something that I see as being successful in the brewing community. I also think that it would be a cool idea to do a collaboration with Newtopia and come up with a new creation involving beer and cider. I chose San Diego Beer News to stay up to date on all the new beer and brewery stories going on in San Diego. Last but not least, I chose Veterans Beer Club. As a Marine Corps veteran, I know that I will have the support of fellow active duty, reserve, and retired military members.

I can use this feature of Facebook to grow my business by popping up more when viewers are searching for other local breweries in the area. I might even catch the interest of other local breweries and have a chance to do a collab with them. This feature can help draw attention to my business and play a key role in whether or not my brewery will be successful.


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